NMBA Store
Durva's Bamboo Forest
A book which presents the story of the birth of Bamboo as per traditional Mithila folk-lore along with the illustrations.
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The Bamboo Maiden
A book which presents the story of the birth of Bamboo as per traditional Gond folk-lore along with the illustrations.
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Biology and Silviculture of Muli Bamboo Technical Monograph Rs.500/ $50
A technical monograph which in detail explains about morphology, flowering and propagation, growth habits, plantation management and harvesting practices of Melocanna baccifera.
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Preservation of Bamboo
Training Manual (TM 05 07/06) Rs.150/ $15
A training manual which elaborates the structure of bamboo culm, causes of biological degradation, traditional as well as chemical preservation techniques.
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An Annotated Bibliography (CD)
Rs. 250/$25??
References to literature on bamboos from all over the world have been collated by K.H. Hossain of KFRI Peechi, and put together to provide easy accessible information, with abstracts for each reference.

The Bamboo Book
Field Guide (FG 02 05/05) Rs. 200/$20
An introductor to bamboo, in particular sympodial bamboo. A guide and a field key for 19 common Indian bamboo species.?The field keys have been prepared based on easily observable
? ???????????????????????characteristics.
????????????????????????Extract (PDF)>

Bamboo Flooring
Market Assessment (MA 01 02/04) Rs. 250/$25
An assessment of the domestic market for laminated bamboo flooring, and a marketing strategy.
Extract (PDF) >

Bamboo Furniture Components
Market Assessment (MA 02 02/04) Rs. 250/$25
An assessment of the domestic market for furniture components made from bamboo composite material, and a marketing strategy.
Extract (PDF) >

Bamboo Shoot Processing
Training Manual (TM 02 02/04) Rs. 100/$10
A training manual for community/cluster-level processing of bamboo shoot, using low cost equipment.
Extract (PDF) >

Building with Bamboo
Training Manual (TM 01 02/04) Rs. 200/$20
A training manual for building with bamboo and bamboo composite material. Developed by TRADA, UK, with IPIRTI, Bangalore and support from DFID
Extract (PDF) >

Propagating Bamboo
Training manual (TM 03 11/04) Rs. 150/$15
A training manual on propagating bamboo with seed and by vegetative means.
Extract (PDF) >

Bamboo propagation (In Hindi) Training Manual (TM 03 (H) 10/05) Rs. 150/$15 A training manual, in Hindi on propagating bamboo with seed and by vegetative means.
Bamboo propagation (In Malayalam) Training Manual (TM 03? (M) 12/05) Rs. 150/$15
A training manual on cultivation of bamboo, with a special focus on intensively-managed plantations.?
Bamboo propagation (In Assamese) Training Manual (TM 03?(A) 12/05) Rs. 150/$15
A training manual in Assamese?on cultivation of bamboo, with a special focus on intensively-managed plantations.?

Cultivating Bamboo
Training Manual (TM 04 11/04) Rs. 200/$20
A training manual on cultivation of bamboo, with a special focus on intensively-managed plantations. Presently available in English, Hindi, Malayalam and Assamese.
Bamboo cultivation (In Hindi) Training Manual (TM 04 (H) 10/05) Rs. 200/$20
A training manual, in Hindi ?on cultivation of bamboo, with a special focus on intensively-managed plantations.
Bamboo cultivation (In Malayalam) Training Manual (TM 04?(M) 12/05) Rs. 200/$20
A training manual in Malayalam, on cultivation of bamboo, with a special focus on intensively-managed plantations.?
Bamboo cultivation (In Assamese) Training Manual (TM 04? (A) 12/05) Rs. 200/$20
A training manual, in Assamese?on cultivation of bamboo, with a special focus on intensively-managed plantations.?
Bamboo Craft: Culm Containers Training manual Rs. 150
The Training manual details the various decorative and useful products that can be made form whole culm. The manual, priced at Rs. 150 explains, in comprehensive manner, the craft, the selection &?
????????????????????????treatment of raw material and the product making.
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Unfolding Opportunities
A 20 minute film about the sector Rs. 100/$10
Bamboo is versatile, strong and renewable – and abundantly available. New products and applications have transformed this ancient resource into a material for the 21st century, one that can?generate employment
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