Clustered housing project using bamboo culms, BMB, BMCS at Nagpur for rehabilitation of project affected persons
Sampoorna Bamboo Kendra and Acharya Shriman Narayan Polytechnic, Wardha ...More»
Product promotion activities for creating awareness of bamboo composite material amongst key user groups - converters, designers and architects
NMBA ...More»
Standards for BMCS and bamboo based flooring tiles prepared and furnished to the BIS
IPIRTI Bangalore & IIT Bombay, (Aerospace Engineering)
High end, architecturally and structurally complex and innovative bamboo structures for the Garden of Five Senses, Delhi
PSD Associates, HUDCO, Colombian experts and DTTDC
Prototype innovative structures, utilising bamboo and bamboo composite material construction
CBTC Guwahati ...More»
Demonstration of packages of practices for intensive cultivation and higher productivity, utilising fly-ash soil amendment in Sehore, Madhya Pradesh and Korba, Chhattisgarh
TERI, New Delhi ...More»
Bambusetum of superior germplasm has been established. Around 25 species has been propagated so far at Pantnagar
GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar ...More»
Field testing of tissue cultured plants, and large scale locational trials
HPC Nagaon, State Governments ...More»
Establishment of a community managed bamboo resource in Farukkhabad with an annual production of 200 tonnes of culm timber and 100 tonnes of shoots. Demonstration of efficacy, viability and utility of bamboo plantation, with soil amendments like fly ash and mycorrhizal bio-fertiliser in flood prone areas, mined wastes, degraded lands
Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust, Farukkhabad & TERI, Delhi ...More»
Plantation of a bamboo green wall for erosion control and soil stabilisation on Majuli, the largest river island in the world.
Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI) Jorhat ...More»
Demonstration of processing and packaging technology for bamboo shoots at the village and tiny enterprise level
Cuisine development, extending bamboo shoot usage to different Indian cuisines
FRESH Bangalore
Drum based bamboo charcoal units designed (25 Kg/ shift, 50 Kg per day). Demonstration units taken up to promote an option for clean and cheap solid fuel, and to develop supply chains for the manufacture of activated carbon
IIT Bombay, (Energy Engineering Systems) ...More»
Development of mobile gasifiers (1 Kg/ hour) for demonstration.
CGPL, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ...More»
Development and documentation of bamboo based orthotic and prosthetic applications to provide low cost solutions to address individual disabilities
Viklang Kendra Rual Research Society, Allahabad ...More»
Kilns for batch operation; with each batch taking 1.5–2.2 tonnes depending on nature & shape of bamboo, moisture content & loading technique have been standardised by CP Consultants, New Delhi in collaboration with NMBA.
Demonstration of battery of brick kilns for charcoal production in collaboration with CP Consultants ...More»
Dendrocalamus stocksii is a species traditionally grown by farmers and is substantially confined to the Konkan and adjacent regions.
Recyclable facility for production of plant material of Dendrocalamus stocksii, Ratnagiri ...More»
The bamboo based gasifier system along with 100% producer gas engine is being inducted at common facility centre, Dimapur to meet the total power requirement. The CFC will have bamboo primary processing machinery, charcoal briquetting unit and mat weaving centre. Technical supervision and training for the induction of the gasifier is being extended by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
100Kwe gasifier to be demonstrated at CFC, Dimapur in collaboration with Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency.
The gasifier being is inducted at R&D farm of Government of Nagaland at Razephema village, located in Dimapur district. Technical support will be provided by IISc, Bangalore. Power is required for lighting, irrigation and for poultry farm. The system will provide 10KWe power taking into account internal load requirement.
Demonstration of 15kg/hr bamboo based gasifier at village Razephema, Nagaland in collaboration with Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency.
IISc Bangalore has developed and confirmed gasifiers of 35 kg/ hour capacity, with 100% stand alone suitably rated producer gas engine, intended to reliably assure 25 Kwe delivered. The gasifier is being inducted for community electrification with technical support from IISc. Implementation and operation will be done by Tamenglong Bamboo and Cane Development Centre (TAMBAC).
35 Kg/hr gasifier being taken up at Taobam village, Tamenglong, Manipur in collaboration with TAMBAC.
25KWe bamboo based gasifier using modified M/s. Cummins engine to operate on 100% producer gas is being established at Bashistha. Assam Forest Department will provide bamboo for daily operation. The power generated will meet requirements of residential quarters and office complex.
Induction of 35 kg/ hour gasifier at Forest Complex, Bashistha, Guwahati under Assam Forest Department with technical support from IISc, Bangalore.
The gasification system being inducted at the Drishti Foundation, Madhubani, Bihar for village electrification
Demonstration of 25 Kwe gasifier at Madhubani Bihar with technical support from IISc, Bangalore.
Induction of 35 kg/ hour gasifier at Forest Complex, Bashistha, Guwahati under Assam Forest Department with technical support from IISc, Bangalore ...More»
Post Harvest Protection of Bamboo from Insect Borers by a Technique Enhancing Starch Hydrolysis ...More» |
Bamboo Plantation demonstrated at ILD Jaipur.... ...More» |