Bambusa balcooa
Local names Bhaluka ASSAM | Balku bans WEST BENGAL | Boro bans NORTH BENGAL | Wamnah, Beru MEGHALAYA: GARO HILLS | Barak TRIPURA
Habitat & distribution Occurs at altitudes of up to 600 m. Prefers heavy textured soil with good drainage. A common homestead bamboo in North East India and West Bengal. Also occurs in Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal.
The culm is up to 30 m tall, dark green and thick-walled.
Flowering Gregarious. The clump/plant dies after flowering without setting any seed. The flowering cycle is 35-45 years.
The most common use of this sturdy and strong bamboo is in house construction. It is a good bamboo for scaffolding and ladders.