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List of BIS Standards for Bamboo based products

  1. Specification for Bamboo Chicks-Part I Fine, IS: 8295 (Part I)-1976.
    Fine chicks are normally used for covering door and window openings.
  2. Specification for bamboo chicks IS: 8295 (Part II)-1976.
    Coarse chicks are normally used for covering verandah openings.
  3. Bamboo mat-veneer composite for general purposes-specification IS 14588: 1999.
    Covers the requirements of mat veneer composites for general purposes.

Referred Standards

  1. Code of practice for preservation of timber (third revision) IS 401: 1982.
  2. Glossary of terms relating to timber technology and utilization (second revision) IS 707: 1976.
  3. Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for plywood (pnenolic and aminoplastic) (first revision) IS 848: 1974.
  4. Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 5 Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to surface (first revision) IS 2380 (Part 5): 1977.
  5. Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 22 Determination of surface glueability test (first revision) IS 2380 (Part 22): 1981.
  6. Specification for plywood for general purposes (third revision) IS 303: 1989.
  7. Method of tests for round bamboos IS 6874: 1973.
  8. Methods of sampling for plywood, fiber hardboarads, insulation boards and particle boards (first revision) IS 7638: 1986.
  9. Dimensions and tolerances relating to wood based panel materials IS 12049: 1987.
  10. Methods of test for plywood: Part 4 Determination of glue shear strength (second revision) IS (1734 Part 4): 1983.
  11. Code of practice for preservation of plywood and other panel products IS 12120:1987.
  12. Specification for bamboo mat board for general purposes IS 13958: 1994.

Bamboo mat board for general purposes – specification IS 13958: 1994.
Covers the requirements of bamboo mat board used for general purposes.

Referred Standards

  1. Code of practice for preservation of timber (third revision) IS 401: 1982.
  2. Glossary of terms relating to timber technology and utilization (second revision) IS 707: 1976.
  3. Specification for synthetic resin adhesives for plywood (pnenolic and aminoplastic) (first revision) IS 848: 1974.
  4. Methods of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 5 Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to surface (first revision) IS 2380 (Part 5): 1977.
  5. Method of test for wood particle boards and boards from other lignocellulosic materials: Part 22 Determination of surface glueability test (first revision) IS 2380 (Part 22): 1981.
  6. Specification for preservative treated plywood IS 5539: 1969.
  7. Method of tests for round bamboos IS 6874: 1973.
  8. Methods of sampling for plywood, fiber hardboarads, insulation boards and particle boards (first revision) IS 7638: 1986.
  9. Dimensions and tolerances relating to wood based panel materials IS 12049: 1987.



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