I am enthused to see the new website of NMBA and congratulate you for the considerable improvement made from the earlier effort in terms of both design and contgent. What intrigues me the however is the list of partners shown on the site. The NMBA seems to be exhibiting selective myopia in excluding NID and the NID Centre for Bamboo Initiatives as one of its partners. Is there a fee to be paid that we have not subscribed to?( which is presuming that the others listed have already done so?) Is there any other registratioin policy that we have missed and would need to know? Kindly clarify your policy, as to whom you identify as your partners and why you have excluded NID and the NID Centre for Bamboo Initiatives who are active in the promotion of bamboo utilisation in the country today and for the past twenty five years. The issue here is how is the NMBA going to acknowledge, if at all , the role and partnership of the NID (National Institute of Design) and the NID Centre for Bamboo Initiatives which was set up by NID and for your formal information I am heading this activity at NID. It seems quite unfair that NMBA ignores the significant work being done at NID and I would request you to correct this status immediately. I look forward to a response to this mail from your website and to an active cooperation in areas of common interest that is the development of the bamboo sector in India towards poverty aleviation and social and economic development of the poorest regions of India with the effective use of the bamboo resources of our country and this includes the expertise that is held at NID and the craftsmen and designers trained by us through our various initiatives. Prof. M P Ranjan. NID Ahmedabad.
kaushik ramanathan
I am a product designer based in Bangalore and chanced upon your website looking for information on bamboo boards. Thank you for a wonderful web experiance. well designed informative and precise. dD let me know if you need designers to aprticipate at any of your workshops. Kaushik, Bangalore.
Dr.V.B.Ramana murthy.,I.F.S.,C.F.,F.D.A.,A.P.
I have noticed increased demand for bamboo shoot in and around the state capital of Andhra Pradesh. I need guidance to motivate farmers of FDA Hyderabad on package of practices of bamboo shoot cultivation in Telugu language.
J. Lalngaihawma Ralte
We are interested in cultivation of bamboo in large scale. We would like to request you to give us how to get more information on 1. Technical advise 2. Financial assistance Your website has provided us a lot of informations. Regards, J. Lalngaihawma Mizoram Incentive Planters Association MIPA Zorin Compugraphics Treasury Square, Aizawl Mizoram
s.subba rao, msc(ag)
very good technology
munshi singh rana
We need to popularise the project.There is tremendous potential for mass acceptability but needs geometric progression growth. congrats in anticipation. M.S. Rana
Girish Madhukarrao Kulkarni
Excellent approach. I suggest that a State wise base line survey be taken up, to document the present area and scope for further increase. The Mission should be oriented towards overcoming poverty by ensuring employment to weaker sections for which training and organized marketing on the lines of LIJJAT PAPAD is essential. Value addition by crafts, reinforced structures by applying resins/chemicals will help.