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Knowledge Projects


Assessment & quantification of the bamboo resources of the North East based on remote sensing
Survey of India, Dehra Dun


Bamboo resource assessment for Andhra Pradesh
APTDC Hyderabad


Establishment of clump and productivity data for select bamboo species
KFRI Peechi & SFRI Itanagar


Preparation of a data base in the form of an annotated bibliography of bamboo literature. Since published in CD form and disseminated
KFRI Peechi


Market assessment study on bamboo flooring and on bamboo furniture components; since published and disseminated.
STADD, Delhi ...More»


Development, prototyping, testing and validation for commercial and common use of line-balanced configurations of machinery sets of primary processing machines.
Machinery manufacturers in Dewas, Delhi and Ludhiana, ERG Bangalore ...More»


Development and prototyping of secondary processing machines for manufacture of bamboo composite products
Machinery manufacturers in Ludhiana with technical and design support from ERG Bangalore


Development & prototyping of continuous dryer for slat making in high humidity areas
ERG Bangalore


Design, development and prototyping of hydraulic hot presses for manufacture of bamboo composite material
ARCI Hyderabad


Development of microwave based drying technology for bamboo strips, slivers, intermediates and finished products
ARCI Hyderabad ...More»


Development of wear resistant coatings for cutting and processing tools used in bamboo processing industries
ARCI Hyderabad ...More»


Development and standardisation of technology for construction of bamboo sandwich composite materials and products
RV-TIFAC Composite Design Centre, Bangalore ...More»


Arched engineering models for wide span structures for low cost housing
Haritha Eco Trust, Khammam & Osmania University, Hyderabad ...More»


Development of maturity marking systems for intensive cultivation of bamboo
Government of Tripura ...More»


Field identification keys for commercially significant species
KFRI Peechi ...More»


Packages of practices for commercially significant species ; preparation & dissemination of training manual for bamboo cultivation
Research institutes & sector specialists


Documentation of plantation practices and experience with Dendrocalamus asper
Merino Plantations, Garh Mukteshwar


Technology packages for processing of shoots at a commercial scale for the market, at different scales of activity – from 200 – 2000 TPA
ERG Bangalore ...More»


Market and product survey for bamboo shoots
Delfi Services, Bangalore


Development of low cost technology packages for processing shoot at community/ cluster level
ERG Bangalore ...More»


Testing of shoot properties (nutraceutical, organoleptic, chemical) of edible bamboo shoots
Midlands Laboratories, Delhi ...More»


Study of process and efficacy of conversion of Indian species of bamboo to activated carbon.
IIT Bombay, (Chemical Engineering) ...More»


Market assessment of bamboo based activated carbon, and manufacture at commercial scale to establish process parameters and product quality
CP Consultants, Delhi ...More»


Testing of bamboo based activated carbon
SIIR, Delhi


Testing of technologies for production of bamboo fibre using the non-pulping route
IIT Delhi (Textile Engineering)


Confirmation of technical feasibility and efficacy of using bamboo and bamboo processing waste in gasifiers to generate producer gas with a high fuel value
CGPL, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore ...More»


Testing of natural dyes and validation of processes for their application on bamboo products; subsequent training of craftspersons
IIT Delhi (Textile Engineering) ...More»


Testing of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of bamboo culms, slivers and composites of identified species
IIT, Bombay, (Department of Aerospace Engineering) ...More»


Process and Application of Vermi Composting
Merino Plantations, Garh Mukteshwar ...More»


IWST (an ICFRE Institution), Bangalore.
Dendrocalamus stocksii (D. stocksii) a near solid bamboo being propagated. ...More»







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