Bamboo in a condition that has been dried through exposure to natural conditions to a level approximately in equilibrium with atmospheric conditions
Alluvial soil
Soil, usually rich in minerals, deposited by water as in flood plains
A?system of rhizome axes in which both sympodial and monopodial branching occurs
Apical dominance
In some plants, the lateral bud located in the axil of each leaf does not grow to form branches, especially at first; this condition is known as apical dominance
Appressed organ
Closely or flatly pressed against the entire length of an organ part
Tree-like growth or form, attenuate with a long slender taper
Ear-shaped lobe or extension at the base of the blade on each side; this extension can be enlarged towards the outer end. A pair of auricles are found on each culm sheath or leaf.
Awl shaped
Narrow, and gradually tapering to a sharp point
An imaginary central line of development of any plant or organ
Making sense of the world of bamboo - commonly used terms explained.