Flowering Records
Arundinaria aristata
1900, Darjeeling, West Bengal
Reported by G. Rogers in 'Flowering of bamboos in the Darjeeling
Indian Forester 26(7):
Arundinaria maling
1951, Darjeeling, West Bengal, Gregarious flowering
Reported by P.K. Ray in 'Gregarious flowering of a common hill
bamboo Arundinaria maling'.
Indian Forester 78(2):89-90
Bambusa arundinacea 1901, Travancore, Kerala
Reported by T. Ponnambalam Pillai, in The flowering of the
bamboo in Travancore, Indian Forester 27(8):p429. 1901
Bambusa arundinacea
1928, Nowgong, Assam
Reported by A.K. Adhikari in 'Flowering of Bambusa
Indian Forester 54(7):p424. 1928
1929, Garo Hills (Meghalaya)
Reported in 'Bamboo seeds'.
Indian Forester 55(10):p564. 1929
1946, Midnapur, West Bengal
Reported in Indian Forester. 1946. Flowering of bamboos.
Indian Forester 72 (6):
1969, Koraput, Orissa, Gregarious flowering
Reported by T. Das in Indian Forester, Bambusa arundinacea in
Nowrangpur Division, Koraput District, Orissa.
Indian Forester 95(1969):p279
1976, South Orissa, Gregarious flowering
Reported by T. Das, Thorny bamboo bloomed-gregarious
flowering of Kanta Bans death knell for Bambusa arundinacea
clumps occurrence in South Orissa.
Indian Forester 102(1976):p473
1988, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by M.S. Rao in Gregarious flowering of Bambusa
arundinacea and Dendrocalamus strictus,
Indian Forester 114(9):p601
1992, Uttar Pradesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by D. Mohan, in Gregarious flowering of Bambusa
arundinacea Willd Introduced in Shiwalik Forest Division, Uttar
Indian Forester 118 (4):p310
Bambusa cacharensis 2001, Tripura (Tulakona & Madhupur under Sadar Forest
Division) Records of the Government of Tripura
Bambusa nutans 1980, Dehra Dun (FRI), Gregarious flowering
Reported by K.N. Bahadur, in 'A note on the flowering of
Bambusa nutans'.
Indian Forester 106(4):
Bambusa pallida 1993 (June-July), Damcherra, Tripura
Records of the Government of Tripura
Bambusa tulda 1929, Chittagong Hill Tracts
Reported in Indian Forester. 1929. Bamboo seeds.
Indian Forester 55(8):p450
1929 and 1977, Mizoram
Records of the Government of Mizoram
1930, Sylhet
Reported by D. Baruah. Bamboo seeds.
Indian Forester56(8):p361
1931, Chittagong
Reported by T.M. Coffey, 'Seeding of mitenga bamboos
(Bambusa tulda)' Indian Forester 67(9):p418
1994 (late July/early August.), Tripura
Records of the Government of Mizoram
2003, Along (sporadic)
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Bambusa vulgaris 1979, Bangladesh, Sporadic flowering
Reported by R.L. Banik, 'Flowering in Baijjya Bansh.
Bano Biggyan Patrika' 8(1/2):90-91
1984, Bangladesh: one clump, sterile seeds
Reported by F.U. Ahmed and Sharmila Das, 'Flowering in
Bambusa vulgaris Schrad'.
Indian Forester 112(3):
1995, North Tripura
Records of the Government of Tripura
Chimonobambusa jaunsarensis 1987, Chamoli, Uttaranchal 1987
Reported by Raju Pant; 1987, in 'A note on the flowering of
Chimonobambusa jaunsarensis (Gamble) Bahadur and Naithani
from India'.
Indian Forester 113 (10):
Dendrocalamus giganteus 1974, Kurseong, West Bengal, Sporadic flowering
Reported by A.K. Lahiry, in 'Sporadic flowering of Dendrocalamus
giganteus, Munro in Bamonpokhri, Kurseong forest division'.
Indian Forester 105(8):p532
February 2004, Tuting (Upper Siang, Arunachal Pradesh) -
sporadic Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Dendrocalamus hamiltonii 1905, Lakhimpur district, Assam
Reported by F.H. Cavendish, 'A flowering of Dendrocalamus
hamiltonii in Assam'.
Indian Forester 31(8):p479
1976, West Bengal, Gregarious flowering
Reported by Conservator of Forests, West Bengal. 1976.
Gregarious flowering of bamboos - Dendrocalamus hamiltonii.
Indian Forester 102(11):p83
and 2004, Mizoram, Sporadic flowering
Reported by the Government of Mizoram
, Nagaland, Sporadic flowering
Reported by Government of Nagaland
April 2005 (Roing, Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh) -
gregarious Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Dendrocalamus hookeri 1967, Shillong, Meghalaya
Reported by K.K. Gupta. Flowering of the bamboo
Dendrocalamus hookeri in Shillong during 1967.
Indian Forester 94(2):p209
1968, Assam
Reported by N.C. Shah. Flowering of the bamboo
Dendrocalamus hookeri and Dendrocalamus strictus in Assam
and Bihar States.
Indian Forester 94 (9):p717
Dendrocalamus longispathus 1928, Coxs Bazar
Reported in Indian Forester. 1928. Bamboo seeds.
Indian Forester 54(10):p545
1930, Chittagong
Reported in Indian Forester. 1929. Bamboo seeds.
Indian Forester 55(8):p450
Dendrocalamus sikkimensis
1917, Kalimpong, North Bengal
Reported in Indian Forester. 1917. Flowering of
Dendrocalamus sikkimensis.
Indian Forester 43(2):p90
1982, Sikkim
Reported by A.K. Lahiry, A.K. 1982. Flowering in Dendrocalamus
Indian Forester 108(1982):p678
2004 February (Yingkiong, Upper Siang, Arunachal Pradesh)
- gregarious
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Dendrocalamus strictus 1939, Angul Forest Division, Orissa
Reported by M.L. Sen Gupta. Early flowering of
Dendrocalamus strictus.
Indian Forester 65(8):
1967, Bihar, Gregarious flowering
Reported by S.D.N. Sinha, 1967. Gregarious flowering of
bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus).
Indian Forester 93(4):p210
1967, Orissa, Gregarious flowering
Reported by Sagar Singh. Gregarious flowering in bamboo
(Dendrocalamus strictus).
Indian Forester (1967):p194
1968 Bihar
Reported by Shah, N.C. 1968. Flowering of the bamboo
Dendrocalamus hookeri and Dendrocalamus strictus in Assam
and Bihar States.
Indian Forester 94(9):p717
1968, Palamau, Bihar, Gregarious flowering
Reported by Bihar State Forest Department. 1968.
Gregarious flowering of bamboo.
Indian Forester 94(12) (Annual News Bulletin, Bihar State) p927
1978, Hyderabad
Reported by S.F. Uppin, 1978. Flowering of Dendrocalamus
Indian Forester 104(7):p525
1983, Melghat, Maharashtra Gregarious flowering
Reported by H.N. Tatwawadi, H.N and B.G. Kali.
Gregarious flowering of bamboo Dendrocalamus strictus in
Jarida range of East Melghat Division, Amravati Circle
- Maharashtra State.
Indian Forester 109(2):
, Bangladesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by R.L. Banik. A short note on the flowering of
Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Lathi Bansh) in Chittagong.
Bano Biggyan Patrika 10(1/2):94-96
, Bandhavgarh, Madhya Pradesh ,
Gregarious flowering
Reported by R. Gopal. Natural regeneration of bamboo
(Dendrocalamus strictus) after gregarious flowering and its effect
on the forage and browse availability in Bandhavgarh National
Madhya Pradesh Journal of Tropical Forestry 5(4):
1988, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by M.S. Rao in 'Gregarious flowering of Bambusa
arundinacea and Dendrocalamus strictus'.
Indian Forester 114(9):p601
1988, Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by A.P. Dwivedi. Gregarious flowering in
Dendrocalamus strictus in Shahdol (Madhya Pradesh) -
Some management considerations.
Indian Forester 114(9):
1993, Rajpipla, Gujarat
Reported by A.S. Negi. Note on flowering of bamboo
(Dendrocalamus strictus) in Rajpipla (E) Division, Gujarat.
Indian Forester 112(11):
2004, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
Reported by PCCF Uttar Pradesh
, Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Reported by DFO Solan
2004, Seoni and Balaghat districts of Madhya Pradesh
Reported by Forest Department, Madhya Pradesh
Drepanostachyum falcatum 1998, Uttar Pradesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by H.B. Naithani, H.B, 998. Gregarious flowering of
a bamboo (Drepanostachyum falcatum).
Indian Forester 124(8):
Melaconna bambusoides 1960, Siliguri, West Bengal
Reported by D. Chatterjee. Bamboo fruits.
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 57(2):
1815, , Mizoram, Gregarious flowering
Records of the Government of Mizoram
, , Bangladesh, Gregarious flowering
Reported by R.L. Banik. Recent flowering of muli
bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) in Bangladesh: An alarming
situation for the bamboo resource.
Bano Biggyan Patrika 18(1/2):65-68
February - July 2001, February - July 2002,
March - November 2003, march - Nove,mber 2004,
January - April 2005, Mizoram, Sporadic flowering
Reported by the Government of Mizoram
Melocalamus compactiflorus 1928, Coxs Bazar
Reported in Indian Forester. 1928. Bamboo seeds.
Indian Forester 54(10):p545
1974, Manipur
Reported by K.C. Malick, K.C.. Melocalamus compactiflorus
Benth. & Hook. F. - New record of flowering in India.
Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 16(1/4):
Chimonobambusa hookeriana 1964, West Bengal
Reported in Indian Forester. 1964. Flowering of
Chimonobambusa hookeriana Nakai.
Indian Forester 90(5):p1
Oxytenanthera nigrociliata. 1961, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh
Reported in Indian Forester. 1961. Gregarious flowering
of Oxytenanthera nigrociliata.
Indian Forester 87(6):p400
Phyllostachys bambusoides
1985, Sikkim
Reported by R.B. Majumder and N.C. Banerjee, 1985.
First report of the flowering of Phyllostachys bambusoides
Sieb et Zucc in Sikkim with a note on the allied species.
Indian Forester 111(8):
Schizostachyum Capitatum 2004 April (Bomdila, West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh)
- sporadic
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Schizostachyum polymurphum 2005 March (Karnuloa, Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh)
- sporadic
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Sinarundinaria hookeriana 2005 April (Ziro, Lower Subansiri) - gregarious
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Sinarundinaria intermedia 2005 April (Ziro, Lower Subansiri) - gregarious
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Sinarundinaria maling 2002 July (Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh) - gregarious
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)
Teinostachyum dullooa 1962, Cachar, Assam
Reported by G.M. Nath, Flowering of daloo bamboos in
Cachar district Indian Forester 88(7):p 523
1971, Dibrugarh, Assam
Reported by G.M. Nath. 1971. Flowering of Dalu Bamboo, Assam.
Indian Forester 97(8):498
2002, Ganganagar Range under Ambassa Forest Division and in
Takkatulsi Reserve Forest (Belonia and Srinagar Range) of
Bagafa Forest Division, Tripura
Records of the Government of Tripura
Teinostachyum helferi 1940, Garo Hills, Meghalaya
Reported by R.N. De. Flowering of Teinostachyum helferi,
Gamble climbing bamboo.
Indian Forester 66(6):p383
Thamnocalamus spathyflorus 2002 July (Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh) - sporadic
Records of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh
(T.K. Sharma, SRF BSI)