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Confirmation of technical feasibility and efficacy of using bamboo and bamboo processing waste in gasifiers to generate  producer gas with a high fuel value

Gasification of bamboo/ bamboo waste for electricity/ thermal applications

  • Stabilised to 1 Mwe level
  • 15% charcoal as by-product to meet rural fuel needs
  • For off-grid, remote area, captive – & flowering areas
  • Clean, cheap & renewable source of energy
  • Quality, species, maturity not an issue

Confirmatory testing, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, utilising bamboo and bamboo dust from the North East has validated the viability of the technology and the process. It is particularly suitable for off-grid and remote locations, to meet domestic, small industry and utility needs, and for local area distribution systems.

Gasification of bamboo can meet differentiated scales of energy needs, especially in the North East, and in other bamboo growing areas, to secure clean, cheap and high quality energy from renewable resources in a cost effective manner.

Such locations could be also in the States where large scale gregarious flowering (Melaconna bambuisoides) will take place in the period 2004 – 07. Alternatively, remote locations with local surpluses of bamboo could be considered for demonstrative projects.

The requirements for the gasification units are a small proportion of the total availability. A 100 Kw gasifier would require only about 1000 tonnes per annum, the equivalent of a truckload every three days on the average.

An added advantage of gasification of bamboo is that 15% of the biomass would also be available as a by-product in the form of high grade charcoal. In the case of a 100 Kwe gasifier, around 135 tonnes of charcoal would be available each year to meet local needs of fuel.

NMBA support packages are predicated on technological services from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. We believe that the technology, its dissemination and commercialisation offers opportunities to:

  1. demonstrate commitment to clean and cheap energy, and substitute the use of fossil fuels with a highly renewable natural resource;
  2. secure assured power at lower rates than that provided by grid linkage or by the use of DG sets;
  3. provide charcoal and surplus power to local communities; and
  4. pioneer a potentially major industrial usage of a natural and highly renewable resource.


Bamboo based gasifiers for generation of power/ thermal energy offer exciting prospects for value addition and utilisation for bamboo resources. The technology has been developed, tested and stabilised and is now available for large scale induction, suitable for application in the 25Kw to 1Mw range.

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