Market assessment of bamboo based activated carbon, techno-commercial report and manufacture at commercial scale to establish process parameters and product quality
The project was carried out by CP Consultants, New Delhi.
On completion of the feasibility study carried out by IIT-Bombay, it was important to explore the techno-commercial viability of the process developed. Further, it was important that the commercial project package indicating viable plant capacity, optimal process parameters, process details of plant and machinery, assessment of market demand and financial investment be compiled in the form of a “business Opportunity Report” which would made available to interested entrepreneurs.
A market survery of the product to study the consumption, production, import and export of the different grades of activated carbon was also carried out under the project.
During the preparation of the BOR, it was felt that other methods for commercial scale manufacture should be explored. Subsequently, a trial run was carried out in a wood based activated carbon unit with bamboo as feed material. The product has been tested as per BIS standards and the quality has been found to be promising.