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Process and Application of Vermi Composting

A bamboo plantation can produce an extraordinary amount of leaf litter, upto 8-9 tonnes per hectare for some species. Leaf fall is significant from the second year onwards, even before rhizome and clump maturity.

This provides a unique opportunity to produce vermi-compost, and to The process can produce organic manure for the plantation, which will not only raise productivity but also increase the fertility of soil. Surpluses for sale can add to income from the plantation, and infact realise income from the plantation, from the second year onwards.

The necessary condition for the process is that it should be done in shade of trees, as the earthworms require temperature less then 35°C to survive.

The process has following steps-

  1. Preparation of raised beds (width may be 1 meter or more)
  2. Place polythene over it (to avoid roots of the trees not to entangled in the beds)
  3. Make 4 layers of Agriculture waste and Cattle dung alternatively with a part ratio of 7:3 (base layer is of agri-waste next layer is dung and so forth)
  4. Place compost earthworm (Red earth worm - Eisenia foetida) upon the top layer
  5. Put some water on it. Thereafter, water should be poured on regular basis to maintain certain level of  humidity
  6. To maintain humidity, put wheat/rice husk on top of the beds.
  7. The cost of production is 70 quintals/Rs.1000 i.e. approx. Rs.1/Kg., which includes all the cost (cost of dung + cost of labor + worms cost + cost of dung etc.)
  8. The total cycle of production in summer and winter are 60 days and days respectively.

Preparation of raised beds (width may be 1 meter or more) Place polythene over it (to avoid roots of the trees to entangled in the beds)
Make 4 layers of Agriculture waste and Cattle dung alternatively with a part ratio of 7:3 (base layer is of agri-waste next layer is dung and so forth)
Place (Eisenia foetida) earth worm on the top layer
To maintain humidity, put wheat/rice husk on top of the beds.
The necessary condition for the process is that it should be done in shades of trees, as the earthworms requires temperature less then 35°C to survive
The cost of production is Rs.1000/70 quintals  i.e. approx. Rs.1/Kg., which includes all costs (cost of dung + cost of labor + worms cost + cost of husk etc.)
The total cycle of production in summer and winter are 60 days and days respectively.

 Website: www.merinoindia.com



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