Housing & Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) Ltd.
Established in 1970 as a public sector enterprise, among HUDCO's many objectives and tasks is the provision of long term finance for construction of houses, housing and urban development programmes, and the setting up of industrial enterprises of building material
HUDCO propagates, disseminates and promotes innovative and cost effective housing technologies. It has launched a major programme for the establishment of a national network of Building Centres, intended to transfer technologies. provide skill upgradation and training to construction workers on conventional and innovative technologies, production of building materials, and the construction of cost effective houses/buildings.
In the bamboo sector, HUDCO will establish a Building Centre of Excellence (BCE) at the IIT Delhi campus. This centre would be exclusively for bamboo; it would show case technologies, display products, train people, hold workshops. It would be fully equipped with machinery and equipment by HUDCO, and utilise structures made of bamboo and bamboo composite material. NMBA would assist by giving technical backup.
Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd.,
HUDCO Bhawan, India Habitat Centre,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
Tel: -23, 2,,92,95,96