RV-TIFAC Composite Design Centre (CDC), Bangalore
The RV-TIFAC Composites Design Centre (CDC) at Bangalore was established by the TIFAC, Government of India, Department of Science & Technology, in 1997 under its Technology Mission on Advanced Composites.
Led by Dr. R. Gopalan, the CDC team has intensively focused on the design and development of low-cost, composite products. It has successfully developed almost 200 composite products for applications in housing, construction, rural development, as well as several consumer applications.
RV TIFAC has been engaged by the Mission for the development, standardisation and promotion of technology for construction of bamboo sandwich composite materials and products.
Contact: Director & CEO RV-TIFAC Composites Design Centre
R V C E Campus, Bangalore-560 059
Phone: / 860 2145
Website: www.rvtifac.cdc.com