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Activities in the bamboo sector supported by the NMBA (click)

Bamboo is found extensively in Nagaland. It occurs as a predominant grass in parts of the districts of Dimapur, Peren, Mon and Mokokchung; it is found mixed with other forest species in all other districts. About 5% of the growing stock of bamboo of the country is in Nagaland which is about 4,48,000 hectares.

The dominant species in Nagaland are Kako (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii), Dolo (Teinostachyum dulloa) and Jati (Bambusa tulda).

They occur all along the lower belts in the border with Assam. While Kakoo and Daloo clumps are characterized in moist localities along the nalas and streams, Jati occupies better-drained sites. In more accessible localities along the roads bamboos have been over cut while, in other areas they have been left untouched for may years

22 species have been identified in Nagaland:
Species Distribution
Sinarundinaria griffithiana Saramati region
Sinarundinaria elegans Puliebadze, near Kohima
Sinarundinaria rolloana Japfu Range, Kohima
Sinarundinaria nagalandiana Naithani Niriyo Peak, Wokha
Chimonobambusa callosa Puliebadze above Kohima and Mao
Neomicrocalamus prainii Puliebadze, Japfu Range
Bambusa balcooa Wokha
Bambusa tulda Kohima, Jalukie region
Bambusa pallida Wokha, Kohima and Peren region
Dendrocalamus hookeri Kohima, Wokha
Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Dimapur-Kohima road, and Wokha
Dendrocalamus giganteus Kohima, Mao
Dendrocalamus calostachys Phekerkrima, Dimapur and Kohima
Schizostachyum polymorphum Longsachu near Workha
Schizostachyum polymorphum Yikum near Wokha
Schizostachyum fuchsianum Kohima, Zulhami-Kilomi area
Melocanna baccifera Jalukie

Bamboo is an important resource in the socio-economic-ecological-climatic- functional context for Nagaland and the State has now taken a step in the initiative to harness the potential of bamboo and its benefits. The State announced its bamboo policy on 15th March 2004 and with it the Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency (NBDA) established to undertake the programmes and activities of bamboo with the objective to foster in ecological security and economic growth through development and utilization of the bamboo resources.

The development of Bamboo in Nagaland has been approached in a Mission Mode, Nagaland Bamboo Development Mission with two approaches:

  • Development of Bamboo as a Resource
  • Development of Bamboo as an Enterprise

Development of Bamboo as a Resource:

Strategy for cultivation and management of bamboo resources in the state shall be evolved with special focus to the following activities:

  1. Inventorisation of the bamboo resources, including identification, documentation, demarcation and assessing the extent of various types.
  2. Assess scope and potential of bamboo growth and regeneration, both in Government land and in private / community land
  3. Evolve scientific management practices for naturally occurring bamboos and plantation bamboos to improve productivity and harvesting
  4. Create massive and consistent awareness of the value of bamboo among the people, especially among major stakeholders
  5. Evolve suitable polities to deal with gregarious flowering of Bamboo
  6. Set up appropriate Institutes for research and development of bamboos, both for regeneration and industrial processing and value addition
  7. Evolve suitable techniques of multiplication and develop infrastructure of mass production of planting materials for commercial cultivation
  8. Introduce desirable species of commercial importance for cultivation 
  9. Establish infrastructure and mechanism for dissemination of bamboo production technologies to the common man
  10. Establish network of bamboo setup for different agro-climatic zones for ex-situ preservation of bamboo germplasm
  11. Identify representative natural bamboo occurring areas within and outside Government land for in-situ preservation
  12. Development of communication network for development of Bamboo as an industry in Nagaland

Development of Bamboo as an Enterprise:

Development of “Bamboo as enterprises” shall evolve policies and action plans that will focus on the following aspects: 

  • Promote Bamboo based Industries:
  1. Food Products
  2. Medicinal, Chemical Products and Alcohol Beverages
  3. Craft, handicraft and Art Products
  4. Value added products and wood substitutes such as ply, flooring tiles, shuttering etc.
  • Create awareness of the uses and value of Bamboo by imparting Training, Seminar, 
    Workshop etc.
  • Promote and Develop traditional usage of Bamboo

Nagaland Bamboo Policy:

Keeping in view the ecological significance and economic potential of bamboos in the State, the Nagaland Bamboo Policy is intended to achieve the following objectives:

  • Protection & conservation of rich bio-diversity associated with bamboo forests and bamboo growth areas in the State.
  • Sustainable development and utilization of bamboo resources through scientific management.
  • Promotion of bamboo plantation (by Government, individuals and communities).
  • Promotion of bamboo based industries for utilising the available resources.
  • Revitalisation and promotion of local traditional bamboo craft & art with improved technology & design and value addition for export through industrialized mode of production.
  • Promotion of bamboo as an essential wood substitute by increasing bamboo production and promotion of bamboo based enterprise in the state in order to reduce pressure on forests.
  • Promotion of awareness and understanding of bamboo as “Green Gold” among farmers, traders, industry, and the people in the state with a view of utilizing its full potential and to galvanize the rural and industrial economy in the state.
  • Effective exploitation of existing mature bamboos before the impeding gregarious flowering.


Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre (NBRC) at Dimapur has been conceptualize and established as a centre of excellence for facilitating technology and information for resource and enterprise developments, creating awareness on the potentials of bamboo, building the capacity of bamboo farmers and entrepreneurs, house pilot demonstrative bamboo processing units for entrepreneurs to train on.

 A bamboo central nursery with a capacity to hold 12 lakh seedlings, a vegetative propagation unit, a bamboo septum, bamboo charcoal production kilns in three technologies, a bamboo charcoal briquette unit, a bamboo treatment plant, a bamboo stick, strips and sliver production unit,  a bamboo fiber sanitary napkin unit and a Venetian blinds weaving unit have already been set up at the centre while a bamboo based 100 kva gasifier unit, a bamboo park, a museum, a library and a technology park are in the pipe line to be set up.

 The agency is presently on a look out for interested potential entrepreneurs to take up the training on the Bamboo treatment plant and the Sanitary napkin unit.
 4.50lakh bamboo seedlings were distributed to bamboo farmers from the central public nursery located at NBRC during 2007. During the same period 1.58 lakh bamboo seedlings were also supplied to Manipur, Andhra Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh.
The agency is also constructing an all bamboo material house at NBRC as a demonstrative model house.


The agency has through the assistance of the National Mission on Bamboo Application set up 45 nos of bamboo charcoal kilns each with a capacity to produce 300 kgs per cycle. The setting up of the kilns have been concentrated in Peren and Dimapur districts in view of the ongoing flowering of bamboos in these districts while three units have been set up at Wokha, Tuensang and Kiphire districts respectively as pilot demonstrative production units. 

The agency is also actively taking up bamboo charcoal production by the traditional pit method with particular focus to tap the bamboo existing resources before it is destroyed by the flowering. So far 148 persons covering 28 villages have been trained in this process of charcoal production.


  1. Constructed the Bamboo pavilion at Kisama Naga Heritage village.
  2. Constructed the bamboo café at Kisama Naga Heritage village.
  3. Constructed four road side marketing sheds at Khonoma, Khuzama, Chunlika and Chiechama in Kohima district.
  4. Constructed one community shed at Sakraba in Phek district.
  5. Constructed two gazebos at Dimapur.
  6. Constructed the bamboo structures at NE Agri Expo site.
  7. Experimental structure for treated bamboos at Dimapur


  1. Bamboo mats: Bamboo mats produced by Anaki bamboo cluster consisting of five villages under Mokokchung district is being supplied Arunachal Ply Industries Ltd. The cluster is currently supplying 6000 mat per month selling at a price of Rs 50/- per mat thereby generating monthly revenue of Rs 3.00 lakhs for the villages.
  2. Bamboo Incense sticks: A marketing tie up has been established with a Bangalore firm to supply bamboo square and round sticks produced from the State. Demand for the sticks from the firm is to the tune of 40 tons per month.
  3. Bamboo Venetian blinds sticks: Channel established with one weaving unit at Guwahati and another in Nagaland being set up.
  4. Bamboo charcoal: Current bamboo charcoal installed capacity production is about 6.5 tons per day from 45 kilns. So far 11.70 tons of Bamboo charcoal has been produced from the local traditional pit method of production. Bamboo charcoal from the State is presently being supplied to SM Smelters of Arunachal Pradesh in addition to sales in the local market.
  5. Bamboo charcoal briquette: 4 (four) tons per day capacity unit in operation at NBRC being run by an entrepreneur on training. The products are selling well in the local market.
  6. Bamboo Shoot Supply: During 2006, 44 tons of bamboo shoots was arranged from Jaluki bamboo cluster through the VBRCs and supplied to Nagaland Foods Pvt Ltd.  During 2007, 37 tons of bamboo shoot was arranged through two SHGs and one VBDC from Dimapur and Jaluki and supplied to Nagaland Foods Pvt Ltd, Ganeshnagar and NFVP, voila colony, Dimapur.
  7. Bamboo Roads: Constructed 2Kms of bamboo road in Kohima district and 5 Kms of bamboo road in Peren district to facilitate bamboo extraction and marketing.

Activities supported by NMBA:

  • Demonstrated high end and architecturally complex structures involving use of bamboo and bamboo composite material at heritage village Kisama, Kohima Bamboo demonstrative structures at heritage village Kisama, Kohima
  • Establishment of 11 EOCs (Emergency Operation Centers), one in each district has been taken up, as a joint activity with Nagaland Government on the approved design of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).
  • Trial and demonstrative induction of gasifier (25 Kwe) taken up at Government of Nagaland R & D Farm at Razhephema village, for lighting, pumping of water for irrigation and for poultry farm. Another gasifier (100 KW) demonstrated at Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre, Dimapur, to provide electricity to Common Facility Centre. 
  • Establishment of battery of 45 charcoal kilns in nine bamboo clusters including  Shurohot, Nuiland, Tseminyu, Longsa, Longchem, Mangolemba, Anaki, Tizit, Naginimora in collaboration with NBDA.
  • Establishment of pilot facilities for production of bamboo based hygiene products with technology support from Shriram Institute of Industrial Research at Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre, Dimapur in collaboration with NBDA. Machineries have been installed.
  • Up gradation of fermented bamboo shoot processing unit (Excel bamboo Enterprise) situated at Peren District, Nagwalwa Village. Commercial production will start from shoot season of 2009.
  • A bamboo shoot processing unit (Nagaland Foods Pvt. Ltd.) has been established with NMBA support at the Industrial Estate Dimapur (Ganesh Nagar). Storage studies are being conducted to check the quality of the canned product. In addition to processed bamboo shoot, other products taken up include pineapple slices, passion fruit and orange juice, for off-season processing.
  • A slat and round stick making unit (Symbios Bamboo Products Pvt. Ltd.) has been established with NMBA support at Tuli. Machineries have been installed. Commercial production will commence from April 2009.
  • Establishment of BPTF at Dimapur, on cost-sharing basis between NMBA and NBDA as an integrated bamboo processing and treatment facility, capable of producing bamboo slats and slivers,  splits, cross-cut sections, round and square sticks.  A special feature is a thin sliver machine for mat making and craft activities. Universal bamboo working machine, for drilling, sanding, profile molding and slotting being provided, to support furniture and craft units. For the first time, palletizing equipment is being provided.
  • Hands on demonstrations, based on low cost equipment (< June in and 2005 August Dimapur at out carried were brine) (in days 21 water) fresh 7 from ranging life shelf provides process the preservatives; no with pouches based nylon flexible packed are shoots basis; daily a on shoot processed of Kg 100 to up producing technology, simple>
  • Commercial natural dyes – usage and application – were demonstrated by IIT Delhi at Dimapur (October 2005).
  • Mat supply chain development activities have been initiated with the Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency at Tuli.
  • 1,000 plants of Phyllostachys pubescens from IHBT Palampur were sent to Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency for field trials in Nagaland in March 2006.
  • Multi-locational trials of tissue cultured bamboo being carried out at Wokha
  • Multi-stage project being taken up in collaboration with the Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency (NBDA) and the China Bamboo Research Centre (CBRC), Zhongzhu for                                                                                     a) feasibility testing of bamboo for conversion to charcoal by modified kiln technology, and then activation,
    b) establishment of a demonstrative kiln in Nagaland by the CBRC and
    c) establishment of a manufacturing unit for activated carbon. Samples of charcoal from Nagaland being sent to China for testing by the NBDA.
  • Establishment of Micro processing units in bamboo cluster villages has been taken up with NBDA. NMBA supporting NBDA for the machinery for promotion of bamboo processing and production of semi finished and primary products such as agarbatti sticks, split poles flatten poles and handicraft products in the 43 cluster villages where by avenue is created for the village community to utilize the available bamboo resources and generate employment and income from the resources.









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