Skill Upgradation and Product Development Training 25 March – 5 April? and 2 August – 12 August
NMBA in association with The Earth & Grass Workshop organized Skill Upgradation And Product Development Training Of Women Bamboo Artisans For Bamboo-Based Livelihood Programs at Kenbah Syntein, Meghalaya. Two trainings were organized with the objective of ensuring the development of marketable bamboo crafts. The first Skill Training and Product Development workshop was held from 25th March to 5th April for a period of ten days. A total of 20 women artisans participated in this training workshop. The focus of the first phase of training was to develop new products and adapt existing products to contemporary markets. As a result of this training workshop, 45 products were developed, which included baskets, trays, containers, and decorative items. The second Skill Training and Product Development workshop was held from 2nd August to 12th August for a period of ten days.? There were a total of 20 participants for the workshop. The focus of second phase of training was to develop packaging designs.
Skill Development Training on Bamboo Agarbatti Stick Making Kokrajhar, Assam, 14th September to 13TH October
A thirty day market linked skill development/ training in community level square stick manufacturing was held at Kokrajhar, Assam from 14th September to 13TH October. NMBA in association with Bodoland Bamboo Development Board and Andhra Pradesh Development Center (APTDC) had trained around 35 people on stick making. The machinery provided during the training, could be used by local people for making bamboo sticks in future. The training partner (APTDC) also assists in generating market order for the sticks produced.
Square stick making training Arariya District, Bihar, 18th June – 15th July 2009
A twenty five day market linked skill development/ training in community level square stick manufacturing was held at Arariya District, Bella Village, Bihar from 18th June – 15th July 2009. Training was conducted as one of the rehabilitation programmes in flood affected villages of Arrariya district.? NMBA in association with Bhaskar Foundation and Andhra Pradesh Development Center (APTDC) had trained around 70 people on stick making.
Second phase of training will be held in September end after which the training centre will function as training cum production center.
Skill Up-gradation training programme on agarbatti stick rolling and fragrance 3rd-12th June
In order to develop the skills in the field of agarbatti stick rolling and fragrancing, NMBA has supported 10 days Training workshop for Up-gradation training programme on agarbatti stick rolling and fragrance from 3rd-12th June at FFDC, Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh.
Training course has been designed to provide complete information right from cultivation of aromatic plants, manufacturing of fragrant raw materials, value addition and quality assessment of raw materials and finished product and finally development of different kinds fragrances of agarbatti.? Faculties of the centre guided the trainees during practical class of fragrances, blending, manufacturing of different agarbatti and its application in agarbatti.? Trainees have been guided in detail about use of different fragrant raw materials for different agarbatti fragrances along with information about how to replace any ingredients whenever there is non availability or commercial constraints.? They had also guided to improve upon the same fragrance as a when market demands.? All the fragrance were formulated in the presence of trainees and all of them took samples of fragrances so created.? Most of the trainees faced the problems of the quality control of the fragrances.? In this context, practical demonstration were given on sensory evaluation and also memorizations of raw materials.? Practical demonstration were shown for relation of four fragrances i.e. rose, Mongra, Chameli and Lavender.? All the trainees also made and rolled agarbatti and Flora agarbatti.
Fragrance & Flavor Development Centre (FFDC) Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, an autonomous body under Ministry of Medium Small and Micro Enterprise, Government of India. FFDC conducts trainings & seminars for performance enhancement through professionally qualified scientists & trainers.
Workshop on Rehabilitation and Reconstruction policy Patna, 18-19 December 2008
Kosi River has been ravaging Bihar state after entering from Nepal, time and again. In August 2008 the river affected almost 3.4 million people in 5 districts of the state. This prompted the state to come out with a concrete Rehabilitation and Reconstruction policy. A workshop was organized under the aegis of Owner Driven Reconstruction (ODR) Collaborative to finalise various rehabilitation packages on 18-19 December 2008. The objective of the workshop was to apprise the state government of relevant experiences in National and South Asian context in post-disaster reconstruction and to holistically address critical operational issues.
NMBA also participated in the workshop to make the participants aware of bamboo as an effective source of eco-friendly and renewable material for sustainable development, providing option for livelihood, cost-effective, durable, fire retardant and easy-to-construct shelters to meet requirement in calamity prone areas, relevant to the onerous task undertaken by the Bihar Government as an aftermath of the Kosi affected areas. As a part of rehabilitation and reconstruction programme, Bamboo, which is found aplenty in Bihar, could be a viable alternative not only to provide employment to the affected populace but also use engineered and whole bamboo for shelters while considering alternatives. NMBA’s presentation on the vast opportunities which have opened up due to the NMBA intervention, was appreciated by the audience and it was concluded that bamboo based shelters would be kept in mind while finalizing alternatives.
Entrepreneurs meet on setting up of industrial units for manufacturing bamboo based products
16th to 17th December.
A two day Entrepreneurs meet on setting up of industrial units for manufacturing bamboo based products was held at Balasore Orissa from 16th to 17th December. The Entrepreneurs meet was jointly organized by National Mission on Bamboo Applications and MSME Development Institute, Cuttack. Entrepreneurs meet had two technical sessions presented by experts on Bamboo Machinery, Application & Chemical Treatment in addition by an major aggarbatti manufacturer from M/s RangaRao & Sons, Mysore.
The Entrepreneurs meet was aimed at to upgrade the knowledge on different bamboo based products having high market potential awareness on machines required for manufacturing such products.? The participants were existing and prospective entrepreneurs. On first day of seminar there were two technical sessions with the gathering of approx. 100 entrepreneurs. Second day was for the selection of the entrepreneurs & further discussion on technical and financial aspects by NMBA & MSME-DI. It had been found that many potential entrepreneurs had some knowledge on bamboo sector and were willing to invest in initiating the unit with support from NMBA. MSME has agreed to help in making the DPR for potential candidates and with due appraisal as has done in the past.
Seminar-cum-workshop at Tamenglong, Manipur
29th? November
A Seminar cum workshop on plantation sector in the North Eastern region was organized at Tamenglong, Manipur on 29th November. Commerce Secretary, Additional Secretary Commerce, Govt. of India along with Chairman of Tea board, coffee board, Rubber board, Spice board and APEDA had attended the workshop. Presentation had been made by chairmen of all the boards attended. NMBA also presented its holistic view with objective, activities supporting the effort of government of India towards augmenting opportunity, income and employment.
An exhibition was also organized in the occasion by all the departments attended.
Workshop on Bleaching and Dyeing of Bamboo Products 29th to 30th April???
A two day training workshop for bamboo based artisans on Coloration of Bamboo and its products with eco friendly synthetic dyes, bleaching and anti microbial treatment was held at IIT Delhi from 29th to 30th April. The workshop was jointly organized by National Mission on Bamboo Applications and Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Workshop was conducted by 2 member team led by Dr.M.L.Gulrajani, Professor, IIT Delhi and Dr. Nilanjana Bairagi, NIFT Delhi. The workshop was aimed at giving training to the participants in the dyeing of bamboo with Eco friendly synthetic dyes, method of bleaching, antimicrobial finishing and polishing of bamboo. The participants were given manual covering the general information, procedure for dyeing and polishing of bamboo. Synthetic dyes kits for practical experience were also distributed.
National Bamboo Workshop 20th to 21st? February???
III National Workshop on “bamboo location trials and vegetative propagation? was organized at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidhalaya (BCKV) on February 20-21. The workshop was attended by scientists from the nodal centers, policy planners, industrialists and farmers from across the country representing 15 states. Dr R.L.Banik presented prospects of multi-location and vegetative propagation projects. Sh SudhirPande, Advisor NMBA, gave a holistic view of bamboo applications at national level. The whole workshop was organized under three sessions including Vegetative Propagation Centers, Multi Locational Trails and field visits. Dr R.L.Banik also gave on field practical exposure to different techniques.
National workshop cum training on bamboo locational trial, bambusetum and propagation 14th to 16th February
A three-day workshop “National workshop cum training on bamboo locational trial, bambusetum and propagation? was organized at GB Pantnagar University, Pantnagar from 14th to 16th February. During the workshop the resource person Dr. R.L. Banik demonstrated the technique of vegetative propagation of bamboo and educated the participants about various measures to be followed in order to successfully carry out vegetative propagation. Progress reports on projects “Multilocational trials? and “Bambusetum? were also presented by representatives of the participating centres.
Training Guide(Establishing a nursery for vegetative propagation - a step-by-step guide) Establishing a Vegetative Propagation Centre (VPC)
There is a growing demand for good qulaity plant material of bamboo. Described below is one such facility, a Vegetative Propagation Centre, capable of producing 50,000 plants each year over a period of three years.?
Infraststructure required:
- 2500 square metres of plain, fenced and accessible area, with irrigation facility
- A brick platform with cement mortar edging (1,000 square metres) for accommodating 60 propagation beds, each 1.3 metres wide, 6 metres long and 21 cm deep
- Rooting media (sand-120 cum) for propagation beds
- Misting facility in propagation beds with overhead tank
- Net shed (50%) of 300 square metres for hardening of rooted cuttings
- Open nursery (1000 sq. m.) for placing poly bags (size 15X 21 cm) containing rooted cuttings
- Small working tools for cutting, sizing and trolley for carrying plants etc
For full step-by-step guide: click here
Workshop on natural dyes 4th to 6th October
A three day training workshop on Coloration of Bamboo and its products with commercial Natural Dyes was held at the Handloom Office, Nagarajan, Dimapur, Nagaland during 4th to 6th October.
Extract: (PDF)>
Training on vegetative propagation through flute technology, supported by NMBA 05-06 April, Allahabad Agricultural Institute.?
Demonstration of propagation by branch cutting and by flute technology
30 April
The events were organized with support by the NMBA. Branch cutting method and the flute technology methods are time tested methods of large scale macropropagation of the bamboo plants. During the training the participants were from institutions from all over the country, whereas during the demonstration the local people were trained in these techniques.
Extract: (PDF)>
Competitions on "Building with Bamboo" with support from NMBA. 4th to 6th March; IIT Roorkee
The competitions intended to incite the student participants into thinking of innovative ways of building with bamboo. There were two competitions: One was on "Building up of an emergency shelter" which was an In-house competition, and second was on "Building up a roofing structure" which was an open competition. There was very good participation and the students showed great enthusiasm.
Coverage of the competitions Extract: (PDF)>
Detailed report of competition and competing entries Extract: (PDF)>
NMBA supported?workshop "High-End Bamboo Based Structural Applications" 25th Feb to 2nd March 2005, Kohima.
The workshop was intended?to expose the participants to the possibilities of building high end structures with bamboo utilising simple measures and techniques, under the leadership of?Simon Velez from Colombia, as a part of a series of measures?to create confidence in architects, engineers and builders to undertake building of high end structures with bamboo, to withstand wind, earthquake and other stresses.
Extract: (PDF)>
Seminar on wood substitution at IPIRTI 17 December 2004
A seminar on? wood substitution through engineered wood, bamboo and other lignocellulosics was held at the Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bangalore on 17 December 2004.
Workshop on Building High-end Structures in Bamboo 02-03 September 2004, Gual Pahari Campus, TERI
Organised by the NMBA and Pradeep Sachdeva Design Associates, a group of almost 40 architects, structural engineers and bamboo specialists assembled at the TERI campus for a two days of intensive interaction and hands-on activity. Led by Simon Velez of Colombia, the group explored the intricacies and varied dimensions of high-end architecture.
Extract: (PDF)>
Workshop on propagation and cultivation of bamboo 30-31 July 2004, G. B. Pant University, Pantnagar
Continuing the NMBA supported series of consultative and review workshops, over fifty bamboo specialists met with the faculty and students of the GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology at Pantnagar.?The interaction was substantive and productive, as participants shared ideas and experiences, and formed an outline of activities to be taken up to support bamboo cultivation in the country.
Workshop on cluster level shoot processing
Shoot processing at cluster level was demonstrated by the Mission at a total of seven locations in the North East July – August’2004. The processing machinery was provided by the Mission for each location. The participants found the processing technology to be simple and economical. Apart from North East, two more demonstration activities were organised in Virajpet, Karnataka and in Garh Mukteshwar, Uttar Pradesh.
The processing techniques, applications and uses were first explained to the participants. After this the process was demonstrated and the participants were able to familiarise themselves through a hands on experience.
Workshop on Field Identification of bamboo species on 20-21 st January.
Two day training workshop was organized on field identification of different bamboo species at Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat on 20-21st January, for survey parties of Survey of India (SOI). Training contained detailed description of vegetative parts of bamboo of different species, which are easily identifiable. Trainees were also taken to the forests as well as homestead bamboo areas to provide hands on training for identification of species found in the North-East.
Training on Cluster level processing of bamboo shoots 10-19 June
Training on cluster level processing of bamboo shoots?was imparted at locations in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Tripura, during the?second week of June 2006.
The processing technology with capacity of producing up to 100 Kg of processed shoots per day, gives a shelf life of up to 10 days to the product.
Equipment sets were provided to the respective State governments to be able to run the facilities after training. This will enable the locals to value add? bamboo shoot, a resource which is abundantly available in North East. There was an overwhelming reposponse and enquiry by hte people in the training. Information was provided on the details of the process, market information, culinary using shoots and scenario at international level.
Schedule of the trainings in North East
No. |
Date |
Training at and coordinating agency |
1. |
10/06/06? |
Inauguration –cum-training, Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar (Asom) – Forenoon |
2. |
10/06/06? |
Afternoon- Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar (Asom)
3. |
12/06/06? |
Kohima (Nagaland), Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency
4.?? |
15/06/06? |
Namsai (Arunachal Pradesh), District administration-Lohit |
5. |
16/06/06?? |
Wakro (Arunachal Pradesh), District administration-Lohit
6.?? |
18/06/06?and 19/06/06 |
Bisramganj?and Teliamura, Tripura Bamboo Mission
Locations and contacts of nodal officers:
Kokrajhar (Assam) Mr. R. Choudhury, DFO
Haltugaon Division
Ph No:? 224
Dimapur (Nagaland)? Ms. Alemla Aier
Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency (NBDA)
Red Cross Building
P. R. Hill Kohima
Nagaland - 797 001
Ph No:? 0370- 2229415/16
Bishramganj and Teliamura (Tripura) Mr. George Jenner IFS
Udaipur R. K. Pur Post
South Tripura,
Tripura – 799 120.
Shri Sujib Das
Rubber Technologist
Tripura Bamboo Mission
Fax: ,
Lohit (Arunachal Pradesh) Shri R. K. Sharma, ADC
(Additional Deputy Commissioner)
Pn No: 03806- 262228
Fax: 03806 - 262541
Workshop for craftsmen, on “Use of Natural Dyes with Bamboo? 4-6 October 2005
Venue: Nagaland Handloom & Handicraft Co-operation’s CFC at Dimapur, Nagaland. Use of commercial dyes in bamboo based craft and related products adds value and aesthetics, and provides opportunities for product and design diversification.
The workshop was organised in collabaration with the Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency (NBDA). Training was?provided by Prof. Gulrajani, Professor, Dept. of Textiles, IIT Delhi and Dr. R.C. Srivastava, Manager (R&D) Alps Industries Ltd.
Workshop on Construction of Rural Housing clustered units 19-24 September 2005 at VNIT, Nagpur
The workshop aimed at familiarization with selected species of bamboo used in structural applications and their sourcing; Methods of treatment of bamboo and joinery; Basis of structural design of rural housing using bamboo; Sequence of steps involved in construction and erection of the houses; Hands on experience in construction of bamboo house at workshop site; Maintenance for upkeep of bamboo built houses. Participants from different parts of the country worked together to create strctures and share knowledge.
Training on Cluster level shoot processing technology June - August 2005
A processing technology with?capacity of producing up to 300 Kg of processed shoots per day, with?shelf life of up to 10 days to the product, was demonstrated at various locations over the country during June- August. The demonstrations were carried out at the following locations:
- Integrated Tribal Development Agency, Bhadrachalam, Khammam in Andhra Pradesh (June 2005)
- Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) Division, Gangtok in Sikkim (June 2005)
- Minor Forest Produce Project (MFPP) Division, Ranchi in Jharkhand (August 2005)
- Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI), Peechi in Kerala (July2005)
- District Rural Development Cells (DRDC), Falakata, Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling (Kalimpong)? in West Bengal (June 2005)
- GB Pant University, Uttaranchal (August 2005)
Training on bamboo propagation through 'flute technology' Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad, 5-6 April
The training provided?'hands-on' working experience for propagating bamboo through flute technology.?
Flute technology, a variant of the culm cutting method, uses two, three or multiple noded culm sections for multiplication. After making holes in the culm and placingchemicals/plant hormones,?the holes are covered with polythene sheets. These cuttings are then placed in trenches and covered with soil. Roots/rhizomes are established within 60-80 days of planting.
Training Programme on 'Bamboo Based Biomass Gasification' 28 February – 4 March 2005 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
A five day workshop was sponsored by NMBA. Several bamboo based gasifier systems for thermal & electrical applications are being inducted. The training provided a comprehensive understanding of the process and an overview of its potential. The training also included field visits to gasifier units in operation.
Workshop on high-end bamboo based structural applications, Kohima 25 February – 02 March 2005
Organised by the Government of Nagaland, the Mission and PSD Associates, New Delhi, it brought?together architects and bamboo workers to work for 6 days under the guidance of Simon Velez of Colombia, to develop and build prototype high end structures.
Seminar on wood substitution at IPIRTI 17 December 2004
A seminar on? wood substitution through engineered wood, bamboo and other lignocellulosics was held at the Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI), Bangalore on 17 December 2004.
Training and demonstration programme on bamboo based gasifiers 20 November 2004 at the Central University, Tezpur
Design Development and Training Workshop on Bamboo October 2004 in Kerala
Month long workshop during October 2004 in Kerala? to enhance the capacity of bamboo workers
Training workshops on cluster level shoot processing July - Augsut 2004
At?different locations in the North East, in collaboration with State Governemnbts, at Dimapur (Nagaland), Nongpoh (Meghalaya), Duliajan and Jorhat (Assam). Also held at Virajpet, Karnataka and at Garh Mukteshwar, Uttar Pradesh. At each location, processing equipment was provided; trainees were given hands on training.
Workshop on Field Identification of bamboo species 20-21?January 2004 at RFRI Jorhat
2 day training workshop on field identification of different bamboo species held Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat,?for survey parties.?The?training covered detailed descriptions of vegetative parts of bamboo of different species, and incorporated field visits?to bamboo bearing?forests and to?homestead cultivation.?