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Although bamboo occurs throughout the State, the most significant concentrations are in the Lansdowne and Kalagarh Forest Divisions.
In the foothills, in the Siwalik hills, and in adjacent plains areas, the dominant species is Dendrocalamus strictus. Bambusa bambos, Bambusa nutans and Dendrocalamus hamiltonii are cultivated on private lands, especially on lower slopes and valleys.
In the hills, the dominant group of species is locally known as ringaal, typically thin, reedy, shrubby, thornless and clump forming. The culms, on an average 12 feet tall, are conical in shape, narrow and gradually tapering to a sharp point. The flowering cycle is 30 years. The culms are used for weaving mats and baskets and leaves are used for fodder.
Ringaal grows on steep mountain slopes, within temperate zones, at an elevation of m in the Garhwal and Kumaon Hills. It is distributed over 66,000 hectare at elevations between metres. There are about 5 to 6 types of ringaal bamboo growing in the hills, among them the following are most common :
- Drepanostachyum falcatum (syn. Arundinaria falcata), locally known as Ghad ringaal.
- Himalayacalamus falconeri (syn. Thamnocalamus falconeri), locally known as Deo ringaal.
- Thamnocalamus spathiflorus, (Thamnocalamus aristatus), locally known as Thaam ringaal.
- Thamnocalamus jaunsarensis (syn. Chimnobambusa jaunsarensis), locally known as Jamura ringaal.
Availability of bamboo in Uttaranchal (in hectares)
Forest Division
Bamboo/ringaal availability
Lansdowne |
Ramnagar |
Haldwani |
Dehradun |
North Pithoragarh |
South Pithoragarh |
East Almora |
Nainital |
Badrinath |
Kalagarh |
Total |
NMBA activities in Uttaranchal
Structural applications:
At Joshimath, at 6,500 feet above msl, three pre-fabricated structures established, using wholly bamboo composite material, in May 2006.
NMBA has demonstrated the use of whole bamboo and BMCS with glass fibre reinforcement for construction of Centres of Excellence at Haldwani and Kotdwar under the Uttaranchal Bamboo & Fibre Development Board. 2 high walled structures (1200 sq. feet each) have been put up, adapting construction techniques and designs developed in the North East, and through a trained construction team (5 workers, TAMBAC) from Tamenglong, Manipur.
Thorny Perimeter Fencing:
TPF (3 rows) being taken up on linear strip of 10 kilometres of perimeter for Army establishment (Divisional HQ) at Dehra Dun (Clement Town). Plant material (8,250 plants of Bambusa bambos, vegetatively propagated) to be sourced from AAI Allahabad. Planting targeted for July 2006. AAI Allahabad supply of plants on 10 July 2006.
R & D treatment:
Modification of Boucherie equipment for treatment of green bamboo has been taken up with Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, based on research work carried out () at FRI for preservative treatment of whole bamboo especially as structural elements for enhancing shelf life and safety of structures.
Focused on green bamboo, FRIs modified Boucherie process is being tested for quick and efficient treatment, with process equipment capable of handling 24 bamboos (20 feet each) per cycle. Modified Boucherie plant fabricated (January 2006) for FRI by Garnet Tools, Dewas, and being tested at field locations.
Locational trials/ demonstrative plantation:
Locational trials and demonstrative plantation being carried out in Uttaranchal, coordinated by the Uttaranchal Bamboo & Fibre Development Board (UBFDB).
Plantation completed on 37 hectares Dendrocalamus hamiltonii (9.5 hectares), Dendrocalamus asper (10 hectares), Bambusa nutans (7.5 hectares), all by GB Pant University on their research farms, and Phyllostachys pubescens (10 hectares, by the Uttaranchal Forest Academy, 5 hectares each at Chakrata and at Munsihari).
1,000 plants of Bambusa nutans being sourced from Aditya Biotech, to cover mortality replacement (April 2006), 4,600 plants of Bambusa balcooa being sourced from AAI Allahabad in July 2006 for additional plantation area.
Monopodial plantation:
4,600 plants of Phyllostachys pubescens from IHBT Palampur sent to Uttaranchal Bamboo and Fibre Development Board (UBFDB) in November 2006 and planted at two 5 hectare locations, in Kumaon (Munsihari) and Garhwal (Chakrata) respectively.