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Arunachal Pradesh occupies an important position among the bamboo bearing states of India. Bamboo forms a major constituent of the forest vegetation of Arunachal Pradesh. Tropical, subtropical and temperate species are found well distributed in the State. 
In Arunachal Pradesh, which has about 46 bamboo species, the bamboo flora is seen up to an elevation of 2000 m or even more.

District wise distribution of bamboo in Arunachal Pradesh

Name of the species Distribution
Arundinaria gracilis West Kameng
A.  Maling West Kameng
A.  racemosa West Kameng
Bambusa balcooa Tirap, Changlang, Lohit, D. valley, East Siang, West Siang, Lower Subansiri, Papum Pare, West Kameng, East Kameng.
B.  longispiculata West Siang
B. multiplex East Siang
B. nutans Tirap, Lohit, D. valley, East Siang, West Siang, Lower Subansiri, Papum Pare West Kameng, East Kameng.
B. pallida Tirap, Lohit, D. valley, East Siang, West Siang, Lower Subansiri, Papum Pare West Kameng, East Kameng.
B. polymorpha Lower Subansiri.
B. tulda Tirap, Changlang, Lohit, D. valley, Upper Siang, East Siang, West Siang, Lower Subansiri, Papum Pare, West Kameng, East Kameng.
B. vulgaris Papum Pare
B. wamin Papum Pare
Chimonobambusa callosa Lohit, Dibang valley, Upper Subansiri, West Kameng, Tawang.
Dendrocalamus giganteus Lohit, Upper Subansiri.
D. hamiltonii Tirap, Changlang, Lohit, D. valley, Upper Siang, East Siang, West Siang, Lower Subansiri, Papum Pare, West Kameng, East Kameng
D. hookerii Papum Pare
D. patellaris Papum Pare
D. sahnii Lower Subansiri
D. sikkimensis West Kameng
Gigantochloa albociliata Lohit, Papum Pare.
Melocanna baccifera Tirap.
Phyllostachys baccifera Lohit, Dibang valley, Lower Subansiri, Papum Pare, West Kameng.
P.  assamica Upper Subansiri
P. manii Upper Subansiri
Pleioblastus simonii Lower Subansiri
Schizostachyum arunachalensis West Siang
S.  fuchsianum Lohit, Dibang valley, West Siang
S. helferii  
S. latifolium Lohit, West Kameng.
S. pallidum West Kameng
S. pergracile Lohit, Papum Pare.
S. polymorphum Lohit, Papum Pare.
Sinarundinaria elegans West Kameng
S. griffithiana Tawang
S. hirsuta Lohit, West Kameng, Tawang.
S. hookeriana West Kameng.
S.  intermedia West Kameng, Tawang.
S. pantlingii Lohit, West Kameng.
S. suberecta Tawang.
Thamnocalamus aristatus Lohit, Tawang.
Thyrostachys oliverii Tirap, Papum Pare.
T. regia Papum Pare.

NMBA activities in Arunachal

Bamboo shoot processing:

  • Training workshop and demonstration for cluster /community level bamboo shoot processing carried out in Lohit district (Namsai) in June 2006.

Wood substitutes & composites:

  • A formerly closed plywood unit (Arunachal plywood industries Limited)  at Namsai has re-entered production, with a range of bamboo composite material, and pre-fabricated structures Cladding material & panels in production, using new processes developed with technical support from NMBA, involving flattened bamboo and being utilised for pre-fabricated structures.  Flattened bamboo is being used as a constructional substitute for woven mat. Primary processing machinery for flattened bamboo developed, partly at APIL Namsai, and subsequently developed with a machinery manufacturer at Kolkata (Dhanjal Enterprises) and fabricated and being utilised. Ancillary cluster units being set up with this machinery – one has gone into production at Namsai.  In November, production reached 100 sheets (16 mm) per day, and in May 2006, to 300 sheets/ day. Pre-fabricated structures, utilising bamboo composite material (less roofing) being prepared at Namsai. Pallets and withering troughs for tea industry prototyped, and commercialised. Usage of bamboo/ composite material for bamboo pallets investigated, as substitute for present wooden pallets used by the Tea industry (ICD Amingaon). Technical support provided by NMBA and support for testing through CIPET Changsari.
  • Expansion and modernization of an existing ply unit has been taken up (Arunachal Agro Bamboo Products, Chowkham) to manufacture bamboo plywood. The company is presently operating at a small scale of 40-50 boards of bamboo mats per day. The proposed expansion and modernization plan would induct required bamboo processing machineries and technology for flattened bamboo board (with or without bamboo on mat) and would increase the capacity of production of unit to viable scale of 200 boards (12mm)/ day.  Slated for induction are 1200 tonne hot press, scissor lift, 4 drying chambers, glue spreader, DD saw, steam boiler (thermax) and primary processing machinery (inner and outer knot removers, hydraulic splitter, flattening machines and two side planing machines. For finishing and waste utilisation, edge cutting machines, belt sander and a briquetting machine will be acquired.

Propagation and cultivation:

  • Standardisation of vegetative propagation and planting methods for Phyllostachys pubescens with SFRI Itanagar in Arunachal Pradesh at Yachuli has not been entirely successful (propagation success ratio of only 30%).  Stage I activities like recording of morphometric parameters from the existing plot were completed. A green house with green agro shade net and 2 mist chambers with white silpauline were constructed at Yachuli. 18 beds prepared and planted from March 2004 onwards. Rhizomes planted during March-July had severe mortality, plantlets survival rate was better from August. The project has since been modified, to establish a 10 hectare demonstrative plantation with the plant material from IHBT Palampur.
  • Production of vegetatively propagated plant material of Bambusa bambos (thorny bamboo) carried out at SFRI Chessa. Large quantities lifted by IV Corps, Indian Army for perimeter fencing requirements.
  • Establishment of clump & productivity data (including bamboo shoots – extent and pattern of shooting) for select bamboo species taken up with SFRI Itanagar, data obtained for commercially significant species.
  • A Vegetative Propagation Centre has been established at Lathao in Lohit district.


  • Trial and demonstrative induction of one bamboo gasifier – 35 kg/ hour (25 Kwe delivered) being carried out for a residential school in Namsai, Lohit district.

Structural applications:

  • Prototyping and dissemination of pre-fabricated structures and product demonstration developed by Arunachal Plywood (APIL); demonstrated at Pragati Maidan (April 2005); subsequently erected at New Delhi location and at Guwahati (September 2005), subsequently dismantled and erected again as ASEB commercial office. 3 structures have been erected at Army HQ Delhi (16’ x 16’), India Habitat centre (8’ x 6’) and at 1, Teen Murti Marg (16’ x 16’). 46 structures installed for post-disaster relief at Uri in J & K, and have been installed/ erected at different locations in the country.
  • Development of cluster of 20 houses in village Niglok under Ruksin block, through the BDO, Ruksin, to demonstrate structural applications for housing in rural areas. Design modifications to the housing structures carried out to conform to local tribal context and traditional usage patterns, with stilt pattern (replaced with RCC pillars), and chimney to accommodate hearth, with alterations to roofing. Structures erected and completed in two months, and inaugurated by CM Arunachal Pradesh on 18 December 2005. Additional 9 structures being taken up (July 2006).
  • Rehabilitation of a 50 bedded Child Hospital at Pasighat, Arunachal of size 5000 sq. ft. taken up using bamboo engineered materials – roofing and cladding. This project demonstrates usage and operationalises medical facilities in this remote area, which have been awaiting completion of construction for almost a decade. Developed as a model for speedy and efficient construction, taking on from incomplete RCC structure, and providing bamboo mat corrugated roofing, 16 mm cladding, internal partitions, doors and windows, with bamboo composite ridges. 4 mm BMB provided for insulation as false ceiling. Project will be completed, and facility operationalised by end-July 2006.
  • Pre-fabricated modular structures for schools in high altitude areas (Tawang) being taken up. Intended to withstand temperatures till -30o C, Zone V seismic loading and static snow load of 3 ft, with high density sandwich bamboo mat-jute roofing, additional BMB false ceiling, low density filler material and reinforced cladding. Structures intended to withstand high velocity winds upto 100 km per hr.  The conductivity of the various components has to be limited to .022 watt/mk.

Small scale enterprise:

  • Cluster based bamboo flattening unit established at Lathao (Zingnu Bamboo Works). The unit has been operationalised in February 2006 with machinery partially developed locally in Lohit district with capacity of 3900 flats / day (300 bundles) 8 feet x 5.5mm x100mm. New machinery being inducted. At present 400 bamboo culms being utilised per shift and the unit is running on 2 shifts per day. 3 tonnes of processing waste being generated daily. Machinery orders placed (May 2006) with two suppliers (Guru Nanak Mechanical Works, Tinsukia, and Dhanjal Mechanical Works, Kolkata) – cross cutter, radial splitter, outside knot and skin removing machine, flattening and lower knot removing machine and planers (18” and 24”).
  • A mat making unit (M/s Suta Bamboo) is being established at Namsai, with mechanised mat weaving machines and thin slivering equipment. Production commenced (April 2006) with manual splitting and weaving, with 7 workers, for supply to board making units in Namsai area for requirement of face mats.



 Apa-Tani bamboo,
 Phylostachhys bambusoides

 Bamboo boards stacked at
 APIL, Namsai

 Vegetative nursery at Lathao,
 Lohit district

 Flattened strip unit (Zingnu
 Bamboo) at Lathao, Lohit

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