The Bamboo Store
The Bamboo Store is a joint initiative of the National Mission on Bamboo Applications and the Earth & Grass Workshop and aims at providing greater visibility to the new developments in the bamboo sector in India.
NMBA is pleased to announce that The Bamboo Store is now operational from its location in Delhi's prestigious Greater Kailash Market (N-11, Rear Lane, Greater Kailash I, N- Block Market New Delhi –110048).
* A Leading international social development organization is interested in architectural bamboo products (board, roofing, etc.) to make temporary houses for millions of construction workers worldwide. This is an excellent marketing opportunity.
* A leading design magazine Better Interiors published from Mumbai has committed to carry a five part series of articles on the various industrial bamboo products for interiors and exteriors with photographs. This will be an excellent opportunity to create awareness about The Bamboo Store and do brand building.
* There have been enquiries for export to the USA and Canada.
* Homeowners and designers in Delhi have expressed interest to use bamboo products.
Mailing Address: S-203, Greater Kailash Part I New Delhi-110048. Ph: , . email: