(Prepared by Andhra Pradesh Technology Development and Promotion Centre (APTDC), Hyderabad & Dr. N R K Rao, IFS (Retd.)
1. ?Introduction
1.1?Bamboo in A.P.:
The State of Andhra Pradesh with about 64,000 sq. km. of notified forest area is endowed with a wide range of flora, rich in composition and ecological status.? The forest resources in the State, as elsewhere in the country, have been put to excessive use and exploitation and have therefore suffered from degradation and denudation. The State government has launched several conservation measures for sustainable forest development.
In Andhra Pradesh bamboo occurs over an area of 9,882 sq. km yielding annually 65,000 MT of Bamboo, (including plantation areas) and Rs. 130 million revenue.?
Andhra Pradesh Forest Development Corporation, a sister concern of the Forest Department has raised since 1976 nearly 12,000 ha. of bamboo plantations, mostly in East Godavari, West Godavari and Khammam districts. Each year it harvests around 4,000 metric tonnes (mt) of green bamboo and 10,000 mt of industrial cuts, realising? a revenue of Rs. 25 million.?
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